Group class descriptions

Strength, Lengthen & Roll

Strength, Lengthen & Roll includes foam rolling, orthopedic stretching, light weight training. The class uses your own body weight as the resistance, ankle weights, and light hand weight training. All series work deep into the muscle groups to cause fatigue. Each series is followed by deep stretching. These exercises promote strength, flexibility and long, lean functional muscles. This 45-minute class combines periods of high and low intensity reps with lengthen movements for optimal results.

Battle Rope ST

One hour of high-intensity interval and cross-training at its best, this class involves the use of a rope to perform trx-like suspension training and agility work. You are using your body to strengthen, lengthen & tone your arms, core, glutes and legs. Each class includes 10 minutes of introduction/warm up, followed by 45 minutes of high intensity battlerope work and cool down. For a quick video, click here. For additional information, click here.


Designed by OTF's NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist Dawn Scanga. A structured group class that combines foam rolling, stretching, and basic bodyweight exercises to enhance mobility, strength, and endurance.

For all fitness levels including easing back into fitness. Learn proper foam rolling techniques to release tension, increase mobility, and promote muscular recovery. The stretching exercises incorporated in the class will improve flexibility, prevent injuries, and optimize performance. Modifications and progressions are provided, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience for all participants, fostering a supportive environment for personal growth.

Full Body Blast

A 45-min. whole body, high-intensity workout - lots of cardio, strength and core! Start your day off with a BLAST of fitness!
A workout that targets your entire body, gets your heart pumping, and leaves you feeling energized and accomplished. This 45-minute session is designed to provide a dynamic, full-body workout that will push your limits and help you achieve your fitness goals.

The Full Body Blast class is all about maximizing your workout efficiency and delivering results. Our instructors will guide you through a series of fast-paced exercises that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, giving you a full-body burn and boosting your cardiovascular endurance. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, an athlete looking to cross-train, or someone seeking a challenging workout, this class is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels.

Total Body Toning

Our Unique Full Body Workout focuses on pushing harder than you ever thought you could. Every class is a different workout so we always keep you guessing. This class aims to provide total fitness and overall toning, working through every major muscle group. Modifications for all fitness levels are provided.

Sports Performance

Are you a young athlete looking to take your game to the next level? Or perhaps you're looking to improve your overall fitness and performance? Our Sports Performance class is the perfect program designed to help you enhance your skills, build strength, and excel in your chosen sport. Geared towards young adults (ages 12+), this summer program is specifically tailored to meet the needs of athletes aiming to maximize their potential.

The Sports Performance class is a comprehensive training program that focuses on developing key athletic attributes, such as speed, agility, power, endurance, and coordination. Our experienced coaches will guide you through a variety of exercises, drills, and techniques, all aimed at improving your performance, regardless of your starting point or previous athletic experience.